Tuesday, June 21, 2016

intro; i-research

            In my whole entire life, I always have been interested in all living things, such as plants, animals, fungi, and even us humans. I have been interested in each living things role in the life cycle of the ecosystem. How important each one is? Could the ecosystem survive without one or the other? The life cycle of the ecosystem begins with the sun which is our solar energy. Plants absorbed this energy as primary producers, and then it is passed to the consumers, such as animals and insects as primary and secondary consumers. Then, the energy passed to the decomposers, bacteria and fungi, where they absorb it from the dead; and the cycle will keep going. Looking at the life cycle of the ecosystem, imagine that animals were eliminated, what would you think will happen to the living things that come after? What would you think will happen to the entire ecosystem cycle? It is not possible to eliminate plants because they are the oldest and the first living things on earth, but it is possible to put many species of animals in danger of extinction because they have evolved and developed themselves. 

Monday, June 13, 2016


\the relationship between all readings is to show us how we write our i-research paper. they focus on what is necessary to write about. what worth knowing about whatever you are searching about is an important question that you can ask yourself. also, another relationship between the readings is omitting information which are not related to your topic. Also, when you write your i-reaserch paper you should write about what you know and what you did not know about whatever your writing about, what did you learn? in the "what worth knowing" reading, it mentioned that you need to ask yourself questions in order to meet the requirements of the paper, such as what is your purpose of writing this paper; that will help you too to know the structure of your paper, "the structure of the subject" (Jerome Burner). 

2.2 I-research

i am thinking to research about endangered animals. why are they being endangered? what are the causes? what can we do to save them? what methods could we use? what are the specific animals are being endangered? i am going to look at studies, such as researchers studies. also, read scientific journals. Also, i am going to search for statistics about endangered animals around the globe and why.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

evaluative reflection

Drafting is the first thing we do as writers and drafting has many methods, but most importantly is what happens why drafting, such as activities, thoughts, obstacles, etc.
When I start drafting I always get my snacks, hookah, redbull ready. Also, I always make sure that I don't need anything else while writing except going to the restroom. I do all that because I like to set my mind clear so I only focus in whatever I am writing about. But yes, I do have other distractions. I always ask myself this "why even I felt ready, is still got distracted somehow." for example, my cat, it will sound silly, but seriously, my cat is my biggest distraction. Many times. I would be writing like 4 pages of lab report or an essay for my English class and she would hub on top of my laptop and turn it off and loss all my work. So, I managed to save my work every 10-15 minutes. In addition, I always work on drafting at night. I actually a night person, so all my work is done at night. I would start from 8:30 to 2:30 and then stop to sleep. Not mentioning I take like 10 minutes breaks when I feel like I need one. Also, I listen to music while drafting. Sometimes depends on the type of music that am listening to. Most of the time I realized that sad music would let me work longer than hype music. In this process, I do a better job working than any other process that I have experienced before.One of the things I fail to accomplish is describe "how" things happened in whatever I am writing about. To be honest I still do not know why I fail to do so. Maybe because that English is my second language where I cannot understand between the lines. I guess I need to read more and more articles and develop my understanding of authors’ entire thoughts. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

BOTH student sample projects reflection

In terms of the first student essay, I liked the way that he used ethos in two different aspects. First he used the idea of ethos focusing on what the author quoted to make his essay credible by mentioning famous writers. Also, he used ethos focusing on the exact source that the author work at or comes from which was the New Yorker news. the problem is I do not seem to find out where he mentioned what type of argument that the author used in his article. On the other hand, the second student essay, its clearly states that the author uses casual and rebuttal arguments. Also, in terms of the second student sample, I liked the way the he used ethos in different way by looking at the way that the author worded his viewpoints rather than the sources. Also, the way he used pathos by mentioning the story that the author talks about, and not only that, the student explained how this story could affect the readers’ emotions and beliefs. I would say that the second student essay is better than the first one from how he was very clear of his points and used all kind of strategies on his own way and connected them properly. In my opinion, I would use the second student sample as my mode because his strategies gave me a sense of more space, breathing room, and ways that I can discuss my article. Not mentioning that they both used the logos, pathos, ethos of their article.