Tuesday, June 21, 2016

intro; i-research

            In my whole entire life, I always have been interested in all living things, such as plants, animals, fungi, and even us humans. I have been interested in each living things role in the life cycle of the ecosystem. How important each one is? Could the ecosystem survive without one or the other? The life cycle of the ecosystem begins with the sun which is our solar energy. Plants absorbed this energy as primary producers, and then it is passed to the consumers, such as animals and insects as primary and secondary consumers. Then, the energy passed to the decomposers, bacteria and fungi, where they absorb it from the dead; and the cycle will keep going. Looking at the life cycle of the ecosystem, imagine that animals were eliminated, what would you think will happen to the living things that come after? What would you think will happen to the entire ecosystem cycle? It is not possible to eliminate plants because they are the oldest and the first living things on earth, but it is possible to put many species of animals in danger of extinction because they have evolved and developed themselves. 

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