Monday, July 11, 2016

2.3; Mirriam annotation

in chapters 5 and 6, Merriam discussed the ideas of conducting effective interviews and being a careful observer. first, she discussed the importance of asking several types of questions, such as opinion questions, experience questions, etc. those types of questions would help me in my research to cover all queries that my audience might think of while reading my essay. also, this strategy would help me to search for answers for those questions. this strategy is also related to the idea of being a careful observer because it helps to narrow down my information as much as possible. i am writing about endangered animals and by applying those stratifies i will be able to, for example, to focus on one animal that my audience might be more interested about. also, i could focus on one trouble spot that this animal is facing an issue of extinction. time, place, and purpose are very important to begin with in my essay. 

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