Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Building arguments around the stases

1.) Pretend you've stolen something and use the stasis protocols to argue why you should not be punished for this action.

Definition: Stealing food with the intention of repaying the store owner when you have money at a later time/date.  If this is the case, you are essentially borrowing the food on credit and could argue that you have changed the definition from stealing to borrowing.

Evaluative:  Stealing a sandwich when you have absolutely no other means available of obtaining food is justified because it is better than starving to death and more important than the moral/ethical harm it causes the deli owner. 

Resemblance:  Stealing food when you're indigent is like the auto industry taking a bailout when they were insolvent.  If it is okay in one case, it must be okay in both cases.

Cause/Consequence:  Having to steal food when you're hungry is the result of the minimum wage being kept at a starvation wage.  Employees/citizens unfortunately cannot raise minimum wage themselves.  Therefore, it is the fault of big corporate America that forces people to have to steal to put food on the table. 

2.) Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia should be covered by general health insurance.  

Definitional/categorical: Anorexia and bulimia fall under the category of mental health disorders. Insurance companies cover bariatric surgery for people who suffer from binge eating disorder, which is also a mental health disease.  Insurance companies should expand their coverage to incorporate anorexia and bulimia along with binge eating disorder, and cover preventative care and treatment for all three.

Evaluative:  Is it appropriate for insurance companies to deny coverage for anorexia and bulimia if the diseases deteriorate both physical health AND mental health?

Cause/consequence:  Denying coverage for eating disorders will result in higher costs to insurance companies if they wait until after the diseases have become major health problems.

Monday, May 30, 2016

backpacks vs briefcases reflection

 In the article, I learned that rhetorical analysis is everywhere, and we used it every time in our daily life. For example, we see media where they use rhetoric’s Ads, such as products Ads where they persuade the consumer to buy.  And we use it as we judge people we meet daily from the way they look and the way the talk, etc. I learned that persuasion is the main goal of rhetorical analysis. However, they differ in the method that is being used to persuade the reader or listener, and most of the time the methods are combined. Pathos, ethos, logos are some of the methods that are used to persuade. Ethos is where the article is ethical and eligible to believe by the reader. Also, pathos is where it targets the emotions of the people who are listening, reading, or watching.  Lastly, logos is where the article shows people that its logical by stating information or position. So, rhetoric is all about the way you use to persuade people to be om your side and believe you or follow you. 

this the article that i may use for my project 1;


Thursday, May 26, 2016

1.4 For two of the 3 articles

     in the

Highways gutted American cities. So why did they build them?

-the author used evaluation argument because he sat a criteria which that highways effected cities badly. then he mentioned the type of people were involve 
-he used the purpose element to inform the reader that highways were bad for the cities. 

     in the 

Before-and-after maps show how freeways transformed America's cities

the author used also evaluation argument, but the difference is that he is comparing the past to the present and use setting as places, timelines. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

1.1: Reflecting on memory, identity, and place

Have you ever thought of how you can know if a person cares about you or not among people? Everyone in this world has family, relatives, and friends. Each one of them, indeed, cares about someone in a certain way. However, some people aren’t aware or able to see that care clearly. In addition, people can take another way of looking at this care which is looking at other’s behaviors. In other words, people can see what a person is doing for them whether behind or front of their face. I have seen this conception in my grandma’s behavior on our farm.
            One day, my family and I had a camping trip on our farm. We had this trip once every blue moon, so it was crucial for us when it came. We took the road heading to our farm. When we arrived there, everyone got excited because we knew for sure that we would have lots of fun there. On our farm, we have this giant sophisticated gate, which would open by a remote control from my uncle’s car. When I entered the farm, I saw a long path that leads me to our place in which my family and I would camp. In addition, on the sides of the path, we have many kinds of trees, so it could give us nice shade over the path; furthermore, one of these trees has the ability to thwart mosquitoes from flying around the farm by releasing some kind of aroma. Also, among these trees, there are small paths which lead us to our animals that we have, such as cows, chickens, and camels.  While we are on the path, we always turn off the air conditioner and open the windows, for we can smell many kinds of flowers all over our farm, which can give the farm a notable aroma. After all of these scenes, we will be there where we camp.
            After we arrived to the camping place, we parked our cars in front of our swimming pool that had just completed. Then we started setting up our needs.  Who was there from my family were three of my uncles, mom, my aunt and her kids, my grandparents. Furthermore, everyone started doing his job; my uncles obviously started doing the hard jobs, such as setting up the tent and preparing the fire in order to have the BBQ. On the other side of my family, my mom and my aunt started preparing the food, such as washing chickens from its blood and cutting vegetables. It is notable that we did not let my grandparents make any because we wanted them to get relaxed and rested as much as they needed. While my family members were doing their job, I was the person preparing the relaxing environment for my grandparents by setting up the coffee and putting down the carpet so they could sit dawn and rest because of the long trip; It took about two hour to get to the farm, and it is well-known that the orderly people will get exhausted.
               Then “the fun part came for me,” which I always take a tour on our farm so I can see if there is anything new that I have not seen before. After I finished my job, I went back on the same path that leads us to the camping place. While I was walking back and looking at the trees on the sides, I saw this tree that attracted me and looked familiar to me, but I did not see it in our farm; therefore, I took a step further to see what it was. When I came in closer, I realized it was a mulberry tree. I love any kind of fruit which has a sour taste; in fact, I had this brilliant happy smile, and with excitement I took a big bucket and started gathering some mulberries. Besides, a precarious event came while I was collecting some mulberries. Whenever I moved my feet, I heard this scary sound, which was like hissing or like the sound of breath when someone is whispering to you. At the same moment, I felt like I would forfeit my rights of staying alive if I did not turn around and see where the sound was coming from because it was so quiet and peaceful before the sound started to be released. When I turned my back, I looked down, and I saw that blatant venomous snake, which I could not endure looking at.  Just right after I realized it was a snake, I started running like mad and screaming, and I couldn’t even salvage my collection of mulberries. When I arrived to my family, I told them about it and at the same time I was talkative because I was so terrified. What would happened when my grandma is not there is they just tell me to let it go and forget about what I have seen, but my grandma pounced and hugged me. She pulled me and said “take me to where I saw the snake” She was very jittery and she ran with me like a grown healthy women. It was abnormal to me looking at my grandma standing with me like that. She took a sharp stick to kill the snake, and I leaded her to where I saw the snake; it was still there. My grandma started hitting the snake violently and said “Do not come close to Khalid again ever,” I was close to cry. After she killed the snake, she hugged me again and told me that I should be resilient next time.

            In short, among whether our family, friends, or relatives, we can see how much they care about us from their actions, which sometimes be abnormal to us. For instance, my grandma’s action showed how much she cares about me when she went to kill the snake just for me and because I was threatened. What I learned is that when someone says I care about you, you should say show me, don’t tell me because the action makes the words more efficient. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

chap 6 Wayne Writer 1.3

Based the Wayne Writer chap.6, there are many types of arguments built differently. One of those types is the definition argument which is about when you are arguing about what something means. Also, a casual argument is about a cause and effect and how something happened. Moreover, an evaluation argument is an argument based on if something is going to work or not. Another type is rebuttal argument which is stating the opponents’ point of view and respond or refuting it. Lastly, the proposal argument where it used to propose information, ideas or solutions and why they should be used. To me, rebuttal argument, which is stating the opponents’ point of view and respond or refuting it, would be my pick because it contain mostly the other types where while stating the opponent view, you are also have to state you position and why it should be correct  and theirs is wrong. Also, you will be able to use the method where why your position is going to work and what your position means. This method is like 4 on 1.        

Sunday, May 15, 2016

course outcomes reflection 1.2

Have you ever taken two ELIs in two different states and got graduated from? I have lived in Colorado, attending Colorado State University where I was learning English language for my first time. A actually learned many things in terms of developing my English skills. After I graduated from ELI at Colorado, I had to move to Michigan because the Colorado state did not accept my enrollment. So I moved to Michigan to get enrolled at Wayne States University, but they did not accept the completion for Colorado States University, so I had to retake English courses again; that enhanced my English rapidly in terms of my reading, and especially writing.

Looking at the course outcomes of this course which are the learning skills that need to be maintained an absorbed by the end of this course, reading is one of the English skills that I am still working on. My problem is understanding vocabulary in context where that has an effect on my understanding of the whole article or essay. My goal in this type of skill I to develop more reading confidence and work on define any word that I go across.

Writing is also one of the skills that this course is aiming for. Writing used to be my enemy during my journey learning English. My problem in writing was that I write based on quantity where I always ask myself whether it is wordy enough. But one day somebody told me that “writing is about quality not quantity.”

Reflecting on one’s writing is another outcome in this course where I actually do not have any problem with because one of my personality is to criticize people and comment on.
Last but not least, researching one of the methods that I like because it can help in supporting whatever I am writing about and make it more reliable and believable by quoting famous people or resources which are well known of their accuracy of information.

My goal in this class is to enhance my reading and writing skills mostly because, to me, if these two skills are not well controlled and skilled, they can affect your process in researching and reflecting.