the article, I learned that rhetorical analysis is everywhere, and we used it every
time in our daily life. For example, we see media where they use rhetoric’s
Ads, such as products Ads where they persuade the consumer to buy. And we use it as we judge people we meet daily
from the way they look and the way the talk, etc. I learned that persuasion is
the main goal of rhetorical analysis. However, they differ in the method that
is being used to persuade the reader or listener, and most of the time the
methods are combined. Pathos, ethos, logos are some of the methods that are
used to persuade. Ethos is where the article is ethical and eligible to believe
by the reader. Also, pathos is where it targets the emotions of the people who
are listening, reading, or watching. Lastly,
logos is where the article shows people that its logical by stating information
or position. So, rhetoric is all about the way you use to persuade people to be
om your side and believe you or follow you.
this the article that i may use for my project 1;
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