Sunday, May 15, 2016

course outcomes reflection 1.2

Have you ever taken two ELIs in two different states and got graduated from? I have lived in Colorado, attending Colorado State University where I was learning English language for my first time. A actually learned many things in terms of developing my English skills. After I graduated from ELI at Colorado, I had to move to Michigan because the Colorado state did not accept my enrollment. So I moved to Michigan to get enrolled at Wayne States University, but they did not accept the completion for Colorado States University, so I had to retake English courses again; that enhanced my English rapidly in terms of my reading, and especially writing.

Looking at the course outcomes of this course which are the learning skills that need to be maintained an absorbed by the end of this course, reading is one of the English skills that I am still working on. My problem is understanding vocabulary in context where that has an effect on my understanding of the whole article or essay. My goal in this type of skill I to develop more reading confidence and work on define any word that I go across.

Writing is also one of the skills that this course is aiming for. Writing used to be my enemy during my journey learning English. My problem in writing was that I write based on quantity where I always ask myself whether it is wordy enough. But one day somebody told me that “writing is about quality not quantity.”

Reflecting on one’s writing is another outcome in this course where I actually do not have any problem with because one of my personality is to criticize people and comment on.
Last but not least, researching one of the methods that I like because it can help in supporting whatever I am writing about and make it more reliable and believable by quoting famous people or resources which are well known of their accuracy of information.

My goal in this class is to enhance my reading and writing skills mostly because, to me, if these two skills are not well controlled and skilled, they can affect your process in researching and reflecting.

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